On the fringes of the town hall discussion at the MSC 2015 (Munich Security Conference), RA Witte was able to talk to Clemens Binninger, Member of the German Bundestag, about the benefits and dangers of Big Data.
RA Witte: “Transatlantically, there is a completely different understanding of data protection and personal rights. I have never felt this as it is here. The discussions here about “safe habour” are of little significance compared to the monitoring needs in crisis situations. In the meantime, data protection is no longer a local legal issue, but has arrived in the areas of international security and world politics.”
Also participating in the discussion were: LtGen Frederick B. Hodges, the commanding general of the U.S. Army Europe, Christopher Painter, the Secretary’s (John Kerry) first Coordinator for Cyber Issues from the U.S. State Department and Georg Mascolo, former editor-in-chief of the magazine DER SPIEGEL.
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